micfil Ultra Fine Filters from Mosbach in Baden-Württemberg is a supplier of special filters and systems for cleaning oil, fuels, biodiesel and water. Recently, the company joined the Deutsche Yachten AG.
The wear and tear of engine parts and problems with contaminated oil or fuel are a vexed issue in shipping. With its microfilter systems, the micfil company offers an effective solution that can save a lot of money and problems.
Alexander Proch, a captain for 23 years and CEO of micfil since 2008, developed the technology for his filter systems himself. “It bothered me at the time how much time and resources had to be constantly spent on engine maintenance – especially oil changes and replacing worn individual parts. So I looked for a solution and finally came up with the idea of developing a special microfilter,” says the technically savvy managing director. The development process took almost four years and finally led to the design of the micfil Ultrafine filter. This continuously cleans the engine oil so that oil changes are no longer necessary. “Most people don’t realise that oil is a mineral like iron, silver, gold or copper and doesn’t wear, degrade or otherwise deteriorate to the point where it needs to be changed. The only reason we change our engine oil is because it has been contaminated by condensation with water, acids, particles and sludge, which starts an oxidation process, so the oil needs to be changed after a certain period of time,” Proch explains. “Based on our many years of experience, we can state that Micfil filters stop these negative processes.”
The filter systems from dinfil fulfil several tasks at once, which enables them to extend the service life of engine parts such as bearings, piston rings, injection nozzles, pumps, etc., while at the same time protecting the environment. The systems consist of a filter and a fuel optimiser. On the one hand, they reduce the carbon particles in the exhaust gases by 30-40 per cent and, on the other hand, eliminate bacterial growth in the diesel. Ultimately, the operating costs of engine systems can be reduced by about 80-90 percent.

Normally, moisture forms in engine oil due to the changing oil temperatures. In the long run, this has a negative effect on the condition of the machine. However, if the oil is continuously treated, there is no need to change it regularly. This in turn means significant savings for the environment, costs and maintenance time. The same filter system is also capable of cleaning diesel fuel down to 0.5 micron. Diesel fuel is deteriorating all over the world, increasing the frequency of oil and fuel problems. The micfil filter not only extends the life of the engine many times over, but also increases fuel efficiency and prevents unburnt particles from escaping unfiltered into the atmosphere. This means fewer spare parts, fewer breakdowns, less downtime, 90 percent less engine oil and at the same time less impact on the environment. The filters come in all sizes and are just as suitable for smaller boats as they are for large yachts.
The success of the micfil filter is evidenced by the fact that well over 10,000 units have now been sold all over the world. There are currently 25 employees working in production at the Mosbach site, and around 65 sales partners worldwide take care of sales, installation and maintenance of the units.
“micfil Ultra Fine Filters GmbH is a highly specialised company with an innovative product that fits perfectly into the Deutsche Yachten AG and from which several other members will certainly benefit in the future,” comments Claus-Ehlert Meyer, Managing Director of Deutsche Yachten AG “From this point of view, I am pleased to welcome micfil GmbH to our network.”