Cleanmarine GmbH has recently started offering a process for residue-free disinfection of mega yacht interiors. In times of SARS-CoV-2, their services are in great demand.
Cleaning and hygiene have always been very important on mega yachts.
But cleaning and disinfection of objects, surfaces, floors and the room air are yet a special challenge in this current pandemic phase.
As scientists have found out, the SARS-CoV-2 virus is mainly spread via droplet infection.
At this point it’s also known that aerosols, i.e. tiny particles suspended in the air, can also transmit the virus and sometimes stay in the air for hours. Aerosols are therefore more unpredictable than droplets and do not stick to a 1.5-meter distance rule. This places high demands on the correct cleaning process if sterile cleanliness is the goal.
Whilst with the wipe and spray disinfection only the surfaces are being cleaned, the H2O2 cold fogging also disinfects the room air including its aerosols. With H2O2 cold nebulization Cleanmarine offers a safe and certifiable solution that reliably kills viruses, bacteria, fungi and spores.
A special nozzle atomizes the active ingredient, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), very finely.
This way a residue-free disinfection of all surfaces, technical devices, walls, fabrics and the room air takes place. The mobile nebulization process can optimally be adapted to the diverse requirements of environmental hygiene such as room size, relative humidity, temperature, germ spectrum and material compatibility. This technology was first approved in the USA in 1985. In Germany it was added to the list of disinfectants and methods tested and recognized by the Robert Koch Institute in 2013.
Cleanmarine is one of the leading experts in cleaning solutions and care of interiors on mega yachts. With H2O2 disinfection, which has been verified in numerous scientific tests, Cleanmarine complements its portfolio with highly effective and sustainable cabin and room preparation in accordance with the EN standard.
Claus-Ehlert Meyer, Managing Director of the German Boat and Shipbuilders Association and thus also the Deutsche Yachten Working Group, is delighted with the innovative member: “When it comes to yacht building, many thoughts immediately revolve around shipyards, interior outfitters and designers. Competent suppliers, of whom we have a large number in the work group, are no less important. The fact that Cleanmarine is developing such a process in these sensitive times shows how innovative and leading Germany is in the mega-yacht segment. “
André Kohnen, Managing Director of Cleanmarine GmbH, comments on the commitment at Deutsche Yachten as follows: “At Deutsche Yachten, we particularly appreciate the exchange with other entrepreneurs. The mega yacht industry is a very special niche market and places high demands on the quality and service of every company. This means that new trends are quickly picked up and implemented and new market potentials quickly emerge. In order not to miss these developments, an active exchange with companies in the industry is very helpful. “